Friday, December 17, 2010

It's Been a Long Time Since I Rock and Rolled!!!

So not too much happening. Got some kills and boss and blowing as usual. Sorry I'm lazy and rarely post. Heres some kills. I get even less screenshots now for some reason my print screen button isnt taking ss in game anymore I dont know why. So by the time I can ctrl+p they already restarted all the time. This is like 1/10th of the kills.








Made a level 52 illusionist during the event v.v but it wasted time from me stocking up on 250% candies. I especially regret not getting a lot on my knight now. I feel like i should be lvling that but not really sure which char to focus lvling yet. So im wasting time not lvling any zz

Couple cheezer bosses

Heres a bit of the stuff I blew lately. There was more but I either didnt take SS or it got lost through reinstalling the game.





Yay 2/2 v.v

1/3 not bad! Finally damnit a 10ret! After its super cheap now -.- and it probably cost me 100's of millions blowing them over time. +9 used to be 200m zzz Something tells me it will be made right some day though and this badboy will be a force to be reconed with again. Theres a +11 for sale I want it so bad....Might have to go for 11... Gonna have to change that element too wind sucks T.T But its still nice. I pump out over 60 dmg per hit with this bad boy.

Crazy event on the way with chance to get some increadible super rare never drops items. lets see what happens here. I just might strike it rich v.v

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