Friday, December 17, 2010

It's Been a Long Time Since I Rock and Rolled!!!

So not too much happening. Got some kills and boss and blowing as usual. Sorry I'm lazy and rarely post. Heres some kills. I get even less screenshots now for some reason my print screen button isnt taking ss in game anymore I dont know why. So by the time I can ctrl+p they already restarted all the time. This is like 1/10th of the kills.








Made a level 52 illusionist during the event v.v but it wasted time from me stocking up on 250% candies. I especially regret not getting a lot on my knight now. I feel like i should be lvling that but not really sure which char to focus lvling yet. So im wasting time not lvling any zz

Couple cheezer bosses

Heres a bit of the stuff I blew lately. There was more but I either didnt take SS or it got lost through reinstalling the game.





Yay 2/2 v.v

1/3 not bad! Finally damnit a 10ret! After its super cheap now -.- and it probably cost me 100's of millions blowing them over time. +9 used to be 200m zzz Something tells me it will be made right some day though and this badboy will be a force to be reconed with again. Theres a +11 for sale I want it so bad....Might have to go for 11... Gonna have to change that element too wind sucks T.T But its still nice. I pump out over 60 dmg per hit with this bad boy.

Crazy event on the way with chance to get some increadible super rare never drops items. lets see what happens here. I just might strike it rich v.v

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Not much happening. I started doing these contests lately. I do them on the forums with adena prizes. They happen every saturday ( Ill try my best so stick to that) and ill quote some text from an NPC and you have to find out who said it and post a screenshot of the same text. That means I wont be able to save much money but I guess it doesnt really matter anymore at this point.

Heres some junk, kills and thrills.

And I think Foz has been banned since I posted that video ( since before I even posted the video I think).

Cheap Varlok.

2 man varlok kill. Junk drop.









Super wow.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Hacker Video

I made a video of Foz from playboy hacking through people. This is typical of PB to use hacks, most the ones I catch use auto buff, but im usually not recording.

i know i said before i will update soon with Illusionist info. I didnt because the guide was coming so I was saving my info for that, but I never ended up making it anyways zz. Illusionist is okay though. More like a for fun class. Not any stronger than what we already have.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another long while, and not much to say -_-

So theres not really much to update about. New episode goes to test tomorrow. I will try to post as much info as i can figure out on my blog so maybe you'll want to check often during these coming weeks. I will be focusing more on illusionist. I have a few kill ss to post not too much. I had a bunch more on my other computer (Including ss of me killing GMJetzen o.o) but the computer blew up and is no more so I lost whatever stuff I had to show on it. I've replaced the computer now. So heres a little bit until the next episode comes.

Few kills ( like I said the rest were on my other computer) and the 1st part is just siege kills so not really a big deal but I'll post them for fun. It shows we still have some fun sieges on our servers when PB doesnt chicken out ( though they still cant beat us ^^)

In the Giran siege, the castle was switching hands a lot that siege, but then we decided to actually try and held it till the end. The SS are from the final hold.



Siege Madness






MrCUTE (think he got hacked t.t)
My other char, not mage ^^

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Action

Since weve been fighting restart79 pb has actually built up the courage to come out and fight sometimes. The fights are getting kinda big, its been a while since I've seen this kind of action. Missed the ss on a few kills but got some here. And a couple lich drops. And I blew a sealed history chapter 1. They so rare, you have to live there to make those items.







Blow T.T

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Not Much Happenin

Busy lately and will be till the end of the month. Not much happening. Pb is getting smaller and smaller now. More people are quiting and getting banned. The economy in the game is retarded. Everything selling for so cheap but theres no adena to buy anything. I tried for days to sell 8pg but no buyers for anything. Which sucks cause I'm broke right now so I cant do anything. I cant even blow items.. Maybe NC will do something anyways cause they banned so much adena maybe they will 2x event or adena event. Just got a couple drops and a kill this week the little I've played. And the waste of space sos blow.

A Noob

A cheap varlok.


Not really anything good but rare..

And for fun.