Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Action

Since weve been fighting restart79 pb has actually built up the courage to come out and fight sometimes. The fights are getting kinda big, its been a while since I've seen this kind of action. Missed the ss on a few kills but got some here. And a couple lich drops. And I blew a sealed history chapter 1. They so rare, you have to live there to make those items.







Blow T.T

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Not Much Happenin

Busy lately and will be till the end of the month. Not much happening. Pb is getting smaller and smaller now. More people are quiting and getting banned. The economy in the game is retarded. Everything selling for so cheap but theres no adena to buy anything. I tried for days to sell 8pg but no buyers for anything. Which sucks cause I'm broke right now so I cant do anything. I cant even blow items.. Maybe NC will do something anyways cause they banned so much adena maybe they will 2x event or adena event. Just got a couple drops and a kill this week the little I've played. And the waste of space sos blow.

A Noob

A cheap varlok.


Not really anything good but rare..

And for fun.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fuckin enchant rate --

-.- I blame everyone for not buying. Oh well no big deal anyways. Ive blown a lot worse --.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Okay maybe its not so bad.

So today i blew 2 pg's with that last money I had left ( I bought 3 but didnt haven enough for bzels cause they kept failing). So first +5 blow 2nd +5 go +7. then nzel to +8. I really wanna go for +9 but pg is so hard. I never made +9 before they always blow at 8, and I'm completely broke so I guess I should sell them, get my money back from the 18 pg's and then some, and see what else I can do later. I feel like workin on some weapons, but not too much thats expensive. Only pk2hs and even +9 is not worth too much. Well see what happens. Just hopefully they sell soon because when I make an item and it doesnt sell, I have the urge to blow it and most times I do.

2x XP event ended. Wasnt bad this one I banged out 50% over the 3 loooong days.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Cheezy Enchant Rate

So make 18 pg's from all the ogre blood I got during the event. I made then all +5. I bzel the all and 1 goes +6 1 goes +7.... so I nzel both and they both blow. This is probably the 100th time ive mass blown pg's. They seem to be harder to enchant than other items. So I was pissed and i blew my 9psword which is useless. I wanna buy the +11 one thats for sale just to blow it. Im dieing to enchant something +11. So far ive only blown +10. But +12 psword will still kinda suck. Good for its + to hit only which I dont really need. I'd prob just go for +15.

Anyways that little spree cost me a good 30-40m. Broke again. Hopefully I can make some cash soon. Double xp comin tho. Maybe its finally time to lvl.