Sunday, March 01, 2009


Not too much. Exp going up slowly. More pb ending. Had a big fight yesterday. 3 times Playboy tried to come 3 times we owned them. 2 at top than they got scared of there so they massed to fv thinking they would do better there and make us go to them. We laughed loudly then chased them to fv, killed a bunch more and made them go home in shame. Over 30 of them died in those hours of fighting. I caught 12 on video.

Today I died again unfortunately to a 500 erase des. That makes 2 in 2 weeks I gotta step it up a bit. We killed Pichilkab and moulton and I3abyface before I died so at least it wasnt so bad. I got those first 2 on video. Collecting more and more ends. Some day soon I will edit.

We lost Aden temporarily but still hold giran strong. Everyone lvling and getting some good exp in there. Well take Aden back next siege. Thats about it. Gaining exp and killing Playboy until the update comes.

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